- BSI certified to EN54-13 (Fire detection and fire alarm systems, compatibility assessment of system components).
- Fits inside a CFP standard 2-8 zone fire panel to provide two EN54-13 monitored sounder circuits.
- When used in conjunction with our CFP Standard 2-8 Zone Fire Panels, ActiV fire detectors and a wide range of specified sounders, VADs and call points, installers can rest-assured the system they are installing is fully compliant with the system compatibility requirements of EN54-13 and is certified as such by the BSI.
- Monitors its onboard sounder circuits for partial and full open or short circuit faults when used in conjunction with a BF355 fault monitoring module (one BF355 required per sounder circuit).
- Ideal for use in territories where EN54-13 is mandated such as Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium.