- A compact double gang Mains derived power supply c/w a conventional fire detector circuit.
- Designed to provide power to up to 5 x 50mA 24V DC electromagnetic door retainers.
- When used with two x ActiV fire detectors allows a cost-effective 'stand-alone' automatic door release system to be built (pre-packed BF375PEK kits are available).
- Maximum PSU output is 250mA.
- Trigger Release and fault monitored Zone Trigger inputs facilitate straightforward connection to fire alarm detectors, control panels, building management systems, timers, relays and other ancillary equipment.
- Includes a manual release button, a Mains On and an Output Triggered indicator.
- Can be mounted on a standard 25mm UK double gang flush or surface back box.
- The BF375PE is also available as part of our BF375PEK automatic door release system kit which includes 1 x BF375PE, 2 x ActiV fire detectors, 2 x ActiV detector bases and 1 x electromagnetic door retainer.